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To verify that the idling mode is operating correctly on Honda Akcord 8, it is desirable to use a scanner. The verification procedure is as follows:

1) Connect the scanner to the connector on the instrument panel.

2) Disconnect the EVAP valve outlet (flushing valve of the absorber of the fuel vapor).

(3) Start the engine and bring it back to 3000 rpm until the cooling fan is activated.

4) Keep the engine running at idling speed, turn off all energy consumers and measure engine speed. Nominal value for cars with ICP-650/-50 rpm, for cars with ACPV-650 +/-50 rpm.

5) Turn on the electrical devices to the maximum load and give the engine about 1 minute.

6) Dead idle speed. The nominal value for all modifications is 710 +/-50 rpm.

(7) If the frequency does not match the nominal frequency, run ECM/PCM unit diagnostics.

8) Install the EVAP valve plug.

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