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If there is not enough room in the trunk, drivers start coming up with new ways to transport cargo. The most obvious is the installation of the additional boot on the roof of the car. The other name of the boot is expeditionary.  How do I choose the trunk of a car?

How do I choose the trunk of a car?

Before you buy a specific trunk, pay attention to the roof of the car. Many of the cars on the roof have a raek-form of reek construction, which attach the trunks of the trunk. Most of the ratings can be found on the roof of an SUV, a minivan or a station wagon.

One kind of raeling is an integrated railing, that is, those that don't have a roof. For them there is a special kind of attachment of the boot to the roof.

If there is no rafting on the roof, it is necessary to select models that are placed directly on the roof using special supports. If there are drains on the roof of a car, you can choose the boot model that will be attached to them.

Also note that for panoramic glass roofs, there are usually separate models of auto-autobahs.

The luggage on the roof is universal (that is, suitable for different models) or adapted for a particular car.

Depending on the configuration of the boot, the roof of the car is open (is a kind of "pallet" for the cargo) or closed (so-called "boxes").

Plus and minus the use of the boot to the roof of a car

The boot installed on the roof of a car has its drawbacks and advantages.

The advantages of using the boot on the roof are:

  • additional capacity for the carriage of goods,
  • The load does not close the review and does not interfere with the safety of the movement (if placed correctly),
  • is the ability to choose the boot design for any car and in any price range,
  • unlike the trailer, the boot on the roof does not require additional driving skills.

Minus the boot to the roof of the car:

  • a limited weight (most of the time, no more than 75 kg, the roof won't last much longer),
  • the need to raise the baggage to a sufficient height to load it,
  • reducing the aerodynamics of the car and increasing noise in the passenger compartment.

Baggier to the roof and fuel consumption

Many car enthusiasts, before buying a trunk onto the roof, are asked, "Will the fuel consumption rise badly after the installation of an auto-vehicle?" The study found that on average the presence of a boot on the roof increases the fuel consumption of the car by 0.2 litre per 100 km. This is an indicator for an unladen boot-if there is a load on it, the figure will grow a little bit more. The less aerodynamic and trunking of the trunk, the less it will affect the fuel consumption of the car.

The trunk is on the roof with his hands.

A separate category of car trunk is the luggage on the roof, made by his own hands. Some motorists make the boot for their car on their own, based on their needs. When making the boot to the roof with their hands, it is necessary to comply with several recommendations:

  • The material for the boot should be as easy as possible and durable, most often used by aluminum. It is very common for domestic off-road vehicles to use a specialized subtlebivory tube.
  • It is not recommended to make the trunk rectangular: it does not look very aesthetically and seriously erode the aerodynamic characteristics of the car. The front "wall" shall be in a streamlined form.
  • The roof is not to be mounted for securing the boot (there may be corrosion), it is better to choose the attachment based on the roof potential.

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