Several control units of the engine were installed on Chevrolet Niwa vehicles, depending on the year of production and the environmental class of the car. On Chevrolet Niva you can meet the Bosch BU with the following catalogue numbers: 21230-1411020-10-0-BSCH MP7.021230-1411020-30-0-0-controller BOSCH M7.9.7+ E321230-1411020-400-controller BOSCH M7.9.7E421230-1411020-90-0-controller BOSCH M7.9.7+AC

  • 21230-1411020-10-0-BSCH MP7.0
  • 21230-1411020-30-0-BSCH M7.9.7+ E3
  • 21230-1411020-40-BSCH M7.9.7+E4
  • 21230-1411020-90-BSCH M7.9.7AC controller

Information about the controller type and the firmware that is installed on it can be found on the label of the control unit.

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