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The appearance of the oil-crankcase under the protection of the engine indicates an oil leak that can occur in several locations:

  • Leakage through the deteriorated cranking of the crankshaft;
  • Leakage through crankcase management;
  • Leakage through fillers or filler holes.

It is necessary to remove the crankcase protection to localize the leak. If a leak is detected through the crankshaft crankcase, repair is necessary as soon as possible, since in this case it is possible to get the oil on the Main Intelligence Directorate, which will lead to intensive wear and serious breakage. Also, the faulty miller leads to a rapid loss of motor oil and can cause an engine to be hungry with all the consequences that flow from here.

It should be noted that in some of the Chery Bonus parties of the ZAZ production of the ZAZ plant with a defect, so the oil leak may appear during the car's run-in.

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