Many problems with the car can be avoided, but from the rain it is not going anywhere. It is particularly unpleasant that he begins most of the sudden and suddenly pulls the weight of the inconvenience. Not only has the rain reduced visibility on the road, so the condition of the road and the driveability of the car are also deteriorating. How can we deal with emerging issues? How do you make the best of yourself and your car, reduce the negative influence of the elements? How to drive in the rain to avoid trouble? Is it the same dangerous for the driver to rain and rain? Why is it a slippery road?
Why is it a slippery road?
Even the most ideal asphalt road with the beginning of the rain turns into a stone. It is because on any road there is a layer of sand and dust, which, soaked, is turned into a barely visible layer of mud. When dirt is found between the tyres and the surface of the road, it becomes a "grease". In addition, departing vehicles produced oil and made a film that was wet and increased.
With the onset of rain, the sand and dust accumulated on the road become dirt and degrade the grip of the wheels to the surface
Especially dangerous in this respect is the very beginning of the rain, because then, if it rains for a while, the mud is flushed, so the tyre grip is increasing. It is interesting that a drizzle-drizzle is much more unpleasant for a car than a downpour. The coefficient of adhesion in these conditions is much smaller than on the wet pavement after heavy rain.
Different road surfaces have different adhesion properties. Especially carefully it is necessary to move on the pavement of the large stones and the asphalt, and the paving stones of fine concrete and concrete are much safer.
Wet driving rules
If the weather forecasters promise a heavy rain, it is better to leave in advance. Experienced drivers are of the opinion that the speed of the car during the rain should not exceed 40-50 km/h.
During the rain, the stopping distance increases, which means that it is better to start braking in advance
It is necessary to brake earlier than in dry weather, because in the rain the stopping distance is increasing. In addition, early braking will allow the rear wheel to be able to navigate and speed up the rear.
It's not advisable to use a cruise control in the rain. Frequently, the cruise control is not adapted to the raw weather, and the system thinks that the car is driving on a dry road, which is not safe.
It is necessary to move in the rain with the lights on. This is necessary, first of all, for other drivers to be well aware of the car ahead. However, the future light in such conditions will be blind, reflecting the drip of the rain. The use of fog lamps will be optimal.
Also during the rain it is necessary to carefully observe the distance between moving vehicles.
It is not desirable to travel in the rain with the non-working wipers, the visibility will be zero.
In this situation, the main thing is not to make any sudden movements (spin the rudder in different directions, press the pedal), because the car can spin.
It is also necessary to take into account that during the season, many pedestrians forget about caution, seeking to escape from the rain.
If the rain is too strong (as they say, the wall), it is better to park and wait for it if possible.
Limited visibility
If heavy rain is going on, even the objects in the row are not clearly visible. The visibility is also deteriorating due to the drops falling on the windscreen. In this case, of course, the windshield wipers shall be the main helpers with a close edge of the rubber (no blind spots left on the glass).
Side windows are not recommended to be omitted, despite their conjecture. After all, in the open glass of the passengers and the driver, they can easily roll the water.
It also makes the splash of mud falling on the windscreen from under the wheels of the cars in front. In this situation, the indispensable glass washer.
Wet brake pads
This is another danger that is caused by the rain: when the pads are soak, the effectiveness of the brakes is greatly reduced. It is quite simple to dry the pad: it is necessary to travel a short distance, slightly pressing the brake pedal several times in a row. The brakes are warm and the water will evaporates.
Rain at night
It is particularly dangerous to rain in the dark. Capley, hitting the glass at night, forms a layer of "small lenses." They make headlights and blind the driver. In addition, heavy rain flows in the light of the car create a swelling wall in front of the car (like fog). In this case, it is recommended to go with the fog lamps on.
Natural obstacles during the rain
In heavy rain (also with a thunderstorm), there may be various natural barriers on the way of the car. For example, a car may be overrun with branches broken by a strong wind, or even fallen trees.
Even an ordinary puddle may be a major trouble for the car
Sometimes trouble can be a common puddle. It is recommended that you reduce speed for several reasons at a time. First, there might be a hole or a hatch under the "water". Second, the water can hit the brake pads. Third, a water-planning effect may occur. The point is that when a car drives a high speed pool, the water doesn't get out of the wheel, and the car is in the direct sense of it. The car is becoming almost unmanageable. To solve this problem, it is necessary to drop the gas and, without changing the trajectory, to pass the water barrier.
In some machines, there is a possibility of a wiring of the ignition (plugs, candles), which can result in a short circuit. If the engine suddenly stops, the reason is to be found in the ignition, with the dry cloth. At night, the damage is easier to detect, thanks to sparks, but they are not visible by day.
It's not raining!
Of course, driving skills in difficult weather conditions come with experience. However, even some experienced drivers are struggling with wet roads. Many, on the contrary, feel themselves in such conditions "in their element". With patience, you can raise the necessary "little" to control the car in conditions of bad weather. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to comply with the rules of driving on the wet road: to brake in advance, keep the distance, move only with switched-on, etc.