To determine the error, you need to switch the Nissan Teana self-test system to display the results. In this case, the MI malfunction indicator will report a failure code. The code contains 4 digits, each of which is indicated by an appropriate number of flashes. The interval between digits is about 1.3 seconds and the interval between two fault codes is 1.8 seconds. (for example, 10 flash pauses-one flash-pause-one flash-pause-seven blinking, corresponds to code 0117). Cooling liquid sensor error codes are as follows: 0116-not regulated; 0117-sensor low; 0118-high sensor output; 0119-sensor malfunction.

  • 0116-the sensor is not regulated;
  • 0117-low sensor output;
  • 0118-high sensor output;
  • 0119-Sensor malfunction.

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