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History of creation

His name was given to Earl Steely McPherson, a talented American engineer at Ford. He developed it as a General Motors employee in the second half of the 1940s, but his ideas were not supported by the company's management. It is not difficult to realize that this was immediately used by the main rival Ford, the giant Ford, who has overtaken a valuable employee. And in 1948, the first car, equipped with a new design-Ford Vettte, was launched in France. The suspension was subsequently established for cars such as Ford Zephyr and Ford Consul. However, the massive suspension was only in the ' 70s.

Today, the McPherson suspension is used in almost all compact non-wheel-drive vehicles, largely because its structure allows the engine to be placed in a list of gearboxes. Design


The main ideas of Earl Steele in their children were compactness, simplicity, and thus the cheapness of the mechanism. The suspension of McPherson was a successful modification of the suspension of another type-on two transverse levers. The replacement of the upper arm with the spherical support and the amorphic unit over them with a simple, looser-attached unit with a swivel pin, and on the other with a bearings, made the design compact, simple and cheap, just as it wanted to see McPherson.

On the two sides the transverse levers (from right and left tire, respectively) are fixed. Each of them is connected to a copycat with the help of rubberies. All this is necessary for the greater rigidity in the longitudinal direction.

On the other side of each transverse lever is our next character-the turning fist. He turns the wheel at the expense of his strong coupling with the rod. At the top of the turning-point, the dampable frame is fixed and the transverse lever is held firmly.

The Amortic frame unites the spring and the shock absorber. The rack has a vertical position relative to the fist.

In modern cars, another element of the structure has been introduced-a transverse stability stabilizer, which provides for the reduction of the side cres of the car.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of the Macpherson suspension are:

  • It's a motto at manufacture.
  • A small size and therefore a small weight of unspritzed mass.
  • A wide range of features for designers.
  • A very big resource.

However, Macpherson's suspension has its drawbacks:

  • The worst kinetics compared to the suspension on two transverse or longitudinal levers.
  • All efforts are being transferred to the pillars of the racks. In the case of bad roads, the process of breaking the points of attachment of the racks is beginning, which negates all the benefits of the resource.
  • The shock absorber of the shock absorber is quickly converted into consumables. However, the complexity and cost of replacing it is very high.
  • In spite of everything, the level of noise entering the salon is quite high.
  • Strong creations, both in corners and under braking.

The McPherson suspension can be used for both front and rear wheels. However, in order to be used on the rear wheels, the design was changed by Lotus Colin Chambers and McPherson did not take part in the design. As a result, in all anglophone countries, the rear wheel suspension mechanism is referred to as "suspension Champman".

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