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The brake pad is quite common. Even the brandy of a brand new car could suddenly start creaking. This sound does not mean that the brake system has become bad. The cry is only irritating to the owners of the car owners, and the performance of the brakes may not be reflected. As with any other car problem, this problem can be brought to the auto service, where specialists will install and solve the problem. However, you can also determine the cause of the violin by yourself. What can cause a squeaking of brake pads and how can such a problem be solved? Where the Scrip comes from

Where the Scrip comes from

Before understanding the causes of the creak, the brake shoe device should be understood. So the brake pad is the main service component of the brake system that creates the brake force by communicating with the surface of the brake disc. It's a metal casing and a molding. The lining is made of a complex mixture which can include reinforcement components, synthetic rubber, ceramics, special resins, mineral and organic fibres, and other fillers. And it is the first two possible causes of the creak that the first one-the material-making material may be poor, and the second one-one of the components of the mixture is incompatible with the material of brake discs.

Another common cause of the creaking or whistling of the brakes is weather conditions. Brake pads produce creak in rainy weather due to wet or low temperatures due to accumulation of condensate at the brake actuation.

The brake pad may also result from the vibration of the pad in the sub-port. The sound resonator is the sound port, and the amplifier is the whole wheel arch.

How to Combat the Scrip

So, if the problem of the creak lies in the non-qualitative material or incompatibility of the brake discs, the solution is simple-it is necessary to urgently replace the pads with brand, higher quality or just more suitable. This measure should be applied as soon as possible, because otherwise the pad can damage the brake disc and then it will have to be changed. With the purchase of new brake pads, it is better to give preference to the same trading company as the brake discs.

If the creak produces entirely new sodas, it is likely that they need time for burnishing. This process typically takes about five hundred kilometres of mileage and can be accelerated by intensive braking several times. Thanks to this trick, the pads are heated to high temperature and extra impurities from the layer to which the new pads are covered burn. If, after a few days, the violin has not gone away, it is most likely the reason for the dirt to be hit by the braking system. The solution to this problem is to clear the brake pads.

In addition, to combat the violin of brake pads, there are so-called "anti-crepe plates", which are metal linings that remove the existing clearance between the tin edge and the sub-port.

In order to remove the resulting condensation, which can also cause the creaking, it is recommended to "dry" the brakes, that is, repeatedly press the brake pedal during the trip.

When you install a new brake pad, do not forget to use a special anti-screwy pasta to lubricate the parts and the back wall of the lining. It is prohibited to lubricate the working surface of the pad.


Thus, there can be many reasons for the occurrence of a brake pad. In most cases, this does not cause serious problems in the braking system, but it is worth to understand the reasons for this violin. The first thing to do is to carefully examine the braking mechanism for the presence of extraneous objects such as small stones or sand. It is possible that the problem can be easily corrected by simply cleaning the braking system.

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