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The atmosphere in the car cabin affects not only comfort, but also the safety of the movement. Dust and bad smells from the street can affect the concentration, attention and condition of the driver's nervous system. That is why it is important that the car always has a comfortable temperature and fresh air. The temperature will be taken care of by heater, air conditioner or climate control system, clean air-salon filter (it is not installed in all cars), but pleasant smell is air freshness. But the air in the cabin can be made not only clean, but also useful by installing the ionization of the air.

To verify that the instrument is actually produced by aeronions, it is necessary to turn it on and to force it. The by-product of the Aerosionov "product" is the gas of ozone. If there is a smell, then the Ionizer works fine. But the smell should not be too strong, as excess ozone and air ions are harmful to health.

The side effect of the use of air ionizer is the rapidly upholstery upholstery. Thanks to the ionizer, dust particles will settle on the plating. Without the ionizer, they would go straight into the lungs.

The air ionizers of the air shall be fed from the socket of the cigarette lighter. The main difference is form, design, and fan and filter. On some modern cars, the premium class is built into the climate control system.

There is currently no scientific verdict on the usefulness of air ionisation.

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