Direction indicators are the invention of women, as well as a litmus test of compliance with the rules of the road. The fact that the blinkers often forget to include, causes quite a lot of emotions on the roads, and accidents due to "red light bulbs" are not uncommon. How was it before?
How was it before?
The lights, streaks and other devices for marking the turn signal appeared when the cars were no longer isolated and imaginable. There were more and more on the roads, and it was necessary to be treated with neighbours and show them their intentions. Before the flashlights and the arrows, the drivers just waved their hands. The hand, parallel to the road, meant a left-to-right turn to the right. By the way, these signals are still in use if the blinkers are defective.
Then the drivers tried to keep the flashlights in their hands. The idea was patented by Percy Douglas Hamilton in 1909. But, of course, there were few who liked it, and the idea was quickly forgotten. Mechanical arrows and flags were invented in 1914-the button on the front panel brought them to the front of the bumper or the front wing. The author of the invention was also a woman, a silent movie actress Florence Lawrence.
The history of the blinkers in their modern form in the US and Europe went in different ways. In the US, they appeared in 1939, although they were patented in 1925. Developer Edgar Waltz tried to sell them to automakers, but the deal did not take place. But the invention was used after the patent had expired. In Europe, the so-called "trafuses" were used in the beginning of the 20th century-small indicators with a light bulb inside. They did not blink, but were simply turned on manually. The trafuses were used in Europe until the 1950s.
America first saw a blinking blinker in 1939 at the Buick Roadmaster. He was on the back of the car, and he was loud. For a long time, most of the drivers separately paid for the installation of the blinkers-many of the cars were not originally equipped.
Modern device
Direction-indicator lamps shall be located mainly in or near the block of direction. The back indicators are located in the rear lamp body. With regard to the retrers, they may be placed on the front wings, front doors or rear view mirrors. Sometimes they duplicate diodes on mirrored units. It is proved that repeaters in mirrors are most noticeable. More automakers prefer to install the repeater repeaters in the mirror casing.

The internal ruder device is a power-driven unit (turns the system on and off), the switch (combines lamps with a current). Turning signal lights using relays (circuit breakers), which at some frequency break and close the electrical circuit.
Many turn indicators have the function of triple blinking in the short touch, which is very convenient for the reconstructions. If there is no such function, a "bend signal" may be installed to increase the number of blinking bends at short hold.
Often in modern cars, instead of clicking relays, you can hear more pleasant sounds, reporting the work of the blinkers. On Citroen cars, the sound of the signal indicator can be selected from several variants.
Peculiarities and traditions
We are accustomed to the blinkers, which are carried out in the yellow and orange range, most of the European cars are equipped with these. The white hull of the blinkers with the orange light inside is quite common. The modem was introduced by road tuners and manufacturers supported the trend.

Red color rims on American cars are not as usual for Russia and cause discomfort because they can merge with the stop lamps. In America, it is a tribute to tradition, the indicators of this colour were invented so that on the dark tracks it was clear which direction the car is moving in front. The turning signal is red and the front is orange. Modern American researchers note that the rudgers of red color create more accidents on the road, as their work is more difficult to recognize. Americans thought about changing their standard, but so far the situation remains.
In the unspoken tradition of signals on the roads, the blinkers are involved. All four turning points are known to the emergency flashing. In Europe, on the left-hand side, it is customary to ask for way to turn on the left turning-turn, and if the truck is flashing before you, the trucker wants to say that it cannot be overtaken. Wait for the signal of the right-it means the road is free. To show the neighbor that he forgot to turn off the blinkers, it is possible to blink the blinkers one at a time in the left and right signs at the overtaking.
Life on the Roads
The indicator of professionalism and culture of the driver has been included in the schedule. But the situation on the Russian roads is far from ideal, and there is a joke among drivers that motorists are divided into three types: those who include the blinkers, those who do not include, and those who include, count up to three, and turn, despite the rear-view mirrors. The third type usually includes "blondes" and newcomers, but the situation is so frequent that it has already become a conceptual party. The sanctions for violations of the maneuvering rules are small, and the project on their promotion should be considered by the State Duma in 2013.
The irrevocability of the blinkers is usually due to the leakproofness of the contact or to the broken contacts. The effect that there is a breakage will affect the blinking in the control panel and the blinker itself.