To reduce the high pressure in the A4 3rd generation fuel system, use the following method: We get the pressure regulator's valve. We disconnect the valve. We start the engine for about 10 seconds. The pressure must fall from 50 bar to 6 bar. We control the fuel pressure of the VAG COM.Turn Ignition. Turn off the fuel line and disconnect it to completely reset the fuel pressure. If the railway does not disconnect immediately, the system will increase the pressure again.

  1. We find the fuel pressure regulator's valve.
  2. Disconnect the valve plug.
  3. Start the engine and let it work for about 10 seconds-the pressure must fall from 50 bar to 6 bar.
  4. Control the fuel pressure of the VAG COM scanner.
  5. Turn the ignition off.
  6. Turning the fuel line dry and connecting it to completely reset the fuel pressure. If the line is not disconnected at once, the system will increase the pressure again.
  7. Gathering the resulting fuel.

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