Unfortunately, the quality of gasoline at Russian gas stations is very often left to be desired. Even on large and seemingly reliable gas stations, there is a risk of refueling. And well, if the case ends with a short-term loss of power or a small motors ... In the most complicated cases, the case may be completed and the overhaul of the engine!

It's best if you've found a suitable refuelling with quality fuel and you run it on it. But there are cases when you have to refuel at a gas station in another city or region. Here you can use advice on how to check the gasoline and determine its quality.

How to check petrol quality at petrol stations

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to complete a full verification of the fuel intake directly at the gas station, so you can start to determine the quality of petrol or LD, according to indirect signs.

  • Fuel price. If the cost of a liter of gasoline is significantly lower than the market average, it is better to look for another gas station. Do not forget the proverb that the stingy will pay twice, and the repair of the ruined engine will cost you much more than the full tank of gasoline.
  • The smell. The "Aromat" of high quality petrol knows, probably, every motorist. If the fuel is too diluted with oils and additives, the smell becomes more abrupt and resembls gum.
  • Consistency. If you are not afraid to get your hands dirty, you can run another simple test before petrol station: finger at the inner surface of the fuelling nozzle. If the surface is thick by touch, gasoline has been generously diluted with solyoris or contains octanoappreciating impurities.

If you suspect that gasoline is not good at a specific gas station, you can run some more tests in the home.  Check on the additive. Drop a drop of gasoline on a sheet of white paper. After drying, the sheet should not remain yellow or grey, and the paper must retain its original white colour. If there is a stain on the paper, then the fuel contains extraneous non-evaporating additives. If the gasoline was wated, it was easy to find. It's enough to fill a small amount of gasoline and put some gauze in there. If the petrol is diluted, the water will react and the liquid will become purple.

  • Check on the additive. Drop a drop of gasoline on a sheet of white paper. After drying, the sheet should not remain yellow or grey, and the paper must retain its original white colour. If there is a stain on the paper, there are extraneous non-evaporating additives in the fuel.
  • Water content check. If the gasoline was wated, it was easy to find. It's enough to fill a small amount of gasoline and put some gauze in there. If the petrol is diluted, the water will react and the liquid will become purple.

Another test that can be carried out requires caution, but gives very good results. Drop a drop of petrol on the skin and observe the result. If after drying, the skin remains dry, there is no sensation of softener or oil marks, so the gasoline is good and good. In addition, you can foil your fingers with oil and then try dry gas: good fuel has to wipe the dirt and butter without problems.

Where do you complain about the bad fuel?

If you are certain that petrol stations are sold out of petrol, you can write a complaint and send it to Rospotrebnadzor. The more complaints about a particular gas station, the more likely it will be an unscheduled inspection. It is possible to write a complaint about poor fuel online on the Rospotrebnadzor website.

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