The reasons for the antifreeze (cooling liquid) can be many:

1. Damage to connections and tubes

Cooling system components damaged or worn (expansion tower, thermostat body, pump (pump)

3. Padding of antifreeze to the engine through the gasket of HBCD

Signs of leakage of antifreeze may be:

1. Decrease in the level of the coolant in the expansion

2. Engine overheating

3. Poor working of the heater

4. Traces of antifreeze under car

A check of the cooling system for anti-freeze shall be performed as follows:

1. Cooling expansion tank

2. Engine Radiator

3. Heater heater

4. Thermostat body

5. Cooling system pump (pump)

6. Connections and patrons

It should be remembered that a small increase or decrease in the level of cooling fluid in the expansion butterbox is the norm. The level may fall and rise with the engine warm up and cooling.

If you change the level of antifreeze, you should immediately call the service, because ignoring this problem can cause serious damage to the engine.

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