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The need to purge the injector is one of the most hotly discussed motorists. Some say with certainty that cleaning is absolutely useless and has nothing to do with it. Others suggest that this procedure be carried out on a regular basis, citing an obvious improvement in the engine operation. Who is right about this argument? How do you know that the injector had a falling out and it's time to clean it? What are the ways in which it can be cleaned? Finally, is there a guarantee that such a procedure will "cure" the car? Why the injector injector nozzle is clogged

Why the injector injector nozzle is clogged

The main element of the injection is the injectors with which the fuel is injected into the combustion chamber.

It is very common to hear that the injector injectors are clogged because of the fuel-efficient fuel that contains sand and other foreign particles. In fact, the probability of this is low: the vehicle fuel system is equipped with filters that cleanin the incoming fuel from large particles.

The Injector will be gradually clogged during the operation of the vehicle. The main reason for the debris is that the heavy fraction of petrol is settled on the walls of the nozzles. This is mainly after the engine is jammled. At this point, the temperature of the hull of the nozzles increases-they are heated by the engine, which is no more cooled. There is no cooling fuel action, as the engine does not work. Only the light fraction of the fuel, which remains in the minimum amounts in the system, is removed from the system, while the heavy fractions settle on the nozzles and are no longer soluble in petrol or diesel fuel. These sediments are only a few microns thick, reducing the cross section of the nozzle, disrupting its operation and reducing performance.

The high content of heavy oily fractions in the fuel-situation is abnormal. This is characteristic of low quality petrol only obtained by direct distillation. This fuel is produced by the addition of high-octane additives.

In addition, the appearance of heavy factions may lead to improper transportation and disruption of fuel storage regulations.

To determine that the injector is clogged

As a general rule, the contaminated nozzle is not immediately apparent. The car can gradually lose the dynamics, consume more fuel, not start from the first time. In addition, the engine speed, the deranging of the engine, the reduction of the power of the engine may also occur over time. This could be caused by pollution of the fuel system, namely injector injector.

However, these problems can also be caused by interruptions in the work of many other systems and devices, so to say with confidence that the case is hardly possible.

Methods for cleaning injector injector

There are several ways to clean the nozzles.

One of the easiest is to add fuel through the petrol tank to a cleaning additive which dissolves the sediment in the process of the system. The specialists recommend that such treatment be carried out as a preventive service approximately every five thousand kilometers. However, this is only suitable for cars with low mileage. If a vehicle has been in operation for a long time and the system is suspected to be heavily contaminated, such treatment can only aggravate the situation. When pollution is a lot, it won't be able to completely dissolve them with additives, and the injections can be even stronger. In addition, the sediment from the fuel tank will be put into the fuel pump, which may result in a failure.

Another way requires special equipment and some skills. Using special interposers, connections to the injector are connected to the washing machine. The fuel tank, the gas pump and the filter are out of the back. Instead of fuel the injector receives a special washing liquid from the cylinder that is attached by the tubes. On this cleaner, the engine works for about half an hour. All the contaminates are sour, they pass through the nozzle, and as a result, burn in cylinders. However, this is not a 100 per cent panacea for contaminated nozzles.

After such a purge in the injector and oil system a certain amount of wash liquid remains. In this regard, after the procedure, the specialists recommend that 10-15 km should be run in the engine operating mode, after which the oil and oil filter shall be replaced. Obviously, this method requires significant time and financial cost.

However, both methods are most suitable when a car has a small mileage and it is difficult to dismantle the trout because of the design characteristics of the vehicle.

In especially difficult cases, the more complex method-the injectors are removed from the engine and are clean separately on the special stand with the help of ultrasound. This method gives you the opportunity to examine the form of so-called flare-nozzle, and to compare the results before and after cleaning.

The machine simulates the work of the injectors, but a special washing liquid is used instead of the fuel. Due to the electric oscillations of the valve in the fuel feed, the process of reformation-the formation of air bubbles is taking place. It is they who are destroying the pollution of the trout canals and rinting out its netted filter.

By the way, on the same stand it is possible to determine mechanical and electrical parameters of the nozzles, as well as decide on the feasibility of replacement.

The main disadvantage of this method is its cost, as well as the need to access proven specialists. The poorly done ultrasound can have dire consequences for the nozzles.

It is not safe to say how effectively the injector is to be effectively cleaned. Many motorists believe that the nozzle should not be cleaned and changed to new. Other motorists praise the ultrasonic method. In any case, to start looking for reasons why the engine work has deteriorated with contaminated nozzles, it often turns out that the problem lies in the other, and the cleaning procedure takes time and takes money, and the result is not visible.

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