The expansion tank is a necessary element of the liquid cooling system. It is used to compensate for any fluid volume changes in temperature. Depending on the design of the system, it may be either a simple container for excess liquid or an element that controls the pressure in the cooling system. What do you need an expansion table for?

What do you need an expansion table for?

The thermal expansion coefficient of such liquids, which is based on the aqueous solution of propylene glycol or ethylene glycol, is much higher than that of water. If the antifreeze or the melancholy of the cold radiator is "below the throat", when the engine is turned on and the thermal expansion of the coolant is increased, its excess shall be present. The liquid through the pressure relief valve is squeezes out of the radiator and enters into a primitive expansion reservoir that serves as an anti-freeze tank.

Pyrollenglycol, which is the basis of antifreeze and nostola, is the main element of the liquid for electronic cigarettes.

When the engine is switched off and cooling, the amount of liquid in the radiator is reduced and the cooling system is diluted. The radiator cap is worked out and the air is sucked into it. The risk of occurrence of air traffic js in "cooling shirts" appears. This could lead to a disruption of the heat exchange and overheating of the engine. Therefore, there was a need for an additional fluid reservoir that would go to the radiator instead of the air. That's the tank, and it's a bit of an expandable reservoir.

There are systems in which a transfer valve allowing the release of excess vapour and even excessively hot coolant is not located in the radiator cap, but in the cork of the expansion tower. In this case, the expansion ballap performs the function of the top of the heat sink and is included in the cooling system on the rights of an important element.

Expansion unit location and device

The most extensive tanks are made of transparent plastic. The side wall shall be applied to the side wall at manufacture by means of a special nozzle to monitor the level of the coolant in the system. The lower mark on the side surface shall indicate the minimum allowable level of the liquid. The maximum level of coolant in the cold start of the engine shall be 25 to 30 mm higher than the upper mark applied to the side of the expansion bar.

Approximately 1/20 of the total liquid volume has been accepted for the calculation of cooling systems. That's the kind of antifreeze that can fit between the Min and Max.

The expansion bug is located next to the heat sink and is mounted directly to the body of the car. The middle of the bachka and the top edge of the heat sink are located on the same level as the communicating vessels. Using a hose at the bottom of the expansion bar, the hose connects to the filler neck of the heat sink.

This design allows the excess coolant to get into the tank. And when the engine is cooling, compensate for the amount of liquid in the system from its contents. This prevents the process from getting into the heat sink.

Characteristics of the expansion

The most common breakdowns are rightly considered to be tequation or break-up. The flow may be the result of a breach of the integrity of its shell or a defect in the connecting hose. The result of the rupture of the expansion bacha could be the catastrophic drop in the volume of the coolant. This could lead to an engine overheating. If this is the case, there is an urgent need to stop and replace the damaged element with the liquid. It should be borne in mind, however, that it is strictly forbidden to pour cold liquid into the cooling system as this may lead to cracks in the head of the unit or in the cylinder block itself.

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