The collapse is a procedure that every car needs to pass from time to time. However, progress is not on the spot, and the traditional separation procedure is replaced by the convergence of 3D. What is a vast-walking 3D and what is different from the usual collapse?

In contrast to the usual collapse, the procedure of the collapse-ascent 3D is based on the use of a special 3D stand. The special control system creates a three-dimensional image and compares the settings of the wheel installation with the norm.

If sensors are used in the normal procedure, the so-called "targets", which are attached to the wheels, are used to displace 3D. The parameters of the breakdown, the ascent and the cluster of the vehicle are measured with the help of special cameras, which continuously remove and record the positions of "targets" in space. Based on this data, the computer program builds a 3D model of the car and compares the parameters of the wheel installation with the norm. The computer memory stores information about wheel installation angles for all brands and car models, in addition to the 3D-collapse program to tell the wizard how much to change the breakage or ascent of the wheels, so that the indicators are set to normal.

The break-up of the 3D has several advantages over the traditional collapse. Plus, you get 3D: The use of computer technology improves its accuracy, the procedure of dermating 3D is performed faster than usual, in addition to information about the collapse, ascent, and the cluster can also get information about the geometry of the car body, geometry of suspension, etc. 3D machine does not require calibration during operation.

  • using computer technology improves its accuracy,
  • the procedure of gathering 3D is faster than normal,
  • In addition to information about the collapse, ascent, and the cluster, you can also get information about the geometry of the car body, the geometry of the suspension, and so on.
  • stands for the derm-collapse of 3D does not require calibration in the process of operation.

However, there is a gap between the 3D and the faults compared to the normal procedure. Minus disassembly 3D: the stand for the breakup-the ascent of 3D requires more space and costs more, so it can afford not every car service, the procedure of derazing 3D is worth more than the traditional one.

  • the stand for the break-up -- the ascent of 3D requires more space and costs more, so it can afford not every car service,
  • the procedure of gathering 3D is worth more than the traditional one.

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