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The manufacturer has set the following values for service intervals for Mitsubishi engine 4 engines:

-Replacement of oil and oil filter-every 15,000 people. km or 12 months (under heavy conditions-2 times more often).

-Cooling liquid-check every 15,000. 60 thousand kilometers or 12 months of rotation. km or 4 years.

-Fuel filter-check every 15,000 people. 120 thousand km or 12 months of rotation. km or 8 years (petrol), replacement every 15 k km or 12 months (diesel).

-Air filter-check every 15,000 people. The cost of the replacement is 12 months. km or 24 months.

-Spark plugs-every 80,000 people. km

-The GEM belt is replaced every 90,000. km

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