Among the different ways of tuning the house is the installation of nitrous oxide injection system. The injection system for nitrous oxide can be seen as an exotic type of tuning and many have seen it only in films. At present, however, the nitrous oxide injection system has become more accessible.

The main components of the nitrous oxide injection system is the gas cylinder and the nitrous oxide in the combustion chamber of the engine.

There are two types of nitrous injection:

  1. "Moskka" injection system: nitrous oxide enters the combustion chamber with the fuel through the nitrous oxide system. Fuel collector "wet" from fuel. This system is better suited for cars with turbo engines.
  2. "Dry" injection system: Nitrous oxide enters the fuel injectors and helps to burn more fuel. The intake manifold remains dry from the fuel.
  3. Direct injection system: in this case the system supplies nitrous oxide and fuel directly into each intake outlet of the engine. Such a nitrous oxide injection system is the most accurate, powerful and complex system.

Nitrous oxide increases the flow of oxygen and fuel into the engine, while increasing its yield. The capacity is increased only at the time of the injection of nitrogen. At the same time, nitrogen atoms during the decomposition of nitrogen oxide do not allow the fuel-air mixture to detonate. Regular use of nitrous oxide increases vehicle engine wear.

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