Methanol injection (methanol) is used to reduce the temperature of the incoming air, increase the octane number of the fuel and increase the ignition angle. All of the above is capable of excluding the detonation of the engine. Thus, with the use of water-methanol, the number of 98 octane gasoline will increase to 116.

The increase in power depends on the type of engine on which the injection of water and methanol is installed. The capacity is also increasing, as it would have increased in the case of the motor gasoline with the octane number 116.

In contrast to the injection of nitrous oxide, which is controlled by the driver, the water-methanol injection system is completely autonomous. The electronics decides when and how much to deliver methanol to the engine. The driver is only required to refruse the cylinder periodically. Qualitative water injection systems are equipped with safety systems that protect the engine in case of failure of the water-methanol delivery system.

In addition to increasing the power and excluding detonation, the water-methanol injection system makes the car exhaust cooler, and also extends the life of the spark plugs, clears the valves and the combustion chamber.

There are several types of liquids for the system. This may be pure methanol, distilled water, water-methanol mixture of any proportion, ethanol isopropanol (pure or mixed with distilled water). It is possible even the use of a cheap winter glass washer. However, the system must be set up for a specific type of liquid, and it cannot be filled every time.

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