The car hydro-amplifier system is airtight, and it creates a pressure that allows you to rotate the steering wheel with a minimum of effort. Hydroamplifier works on special oil. If the system is sealed, the oil is derived and the hydro-amplifier ceases to function. The steering without the hydro-amplifier is not easy to spin, especially in heavy vehicles. Operation of the system and the appointment of a bachka

Operation of the system and the appointment of a bachka

The hydraulic amplifier shall be operated as follows: the pump is switched on simultaneously with the engine, the oil is pumpadded from the bar and the oil is dispersed throughout the system. When the rudder is rotated, the allocator sends the oil to the hydraulic cylinder. The piston of the hydraulic cylinder moves the steering forces that turn the wheels.

For low pressure hoses, the oil flow from the reservoir to the pump and then goes back to the tank. There is a special filter and probe (meter) to determine the level of oil. Sometimes, instead of a probe, you use the tick marks on the wall. The level of the liquid shall be between the min and max.

There are different kinds of bacchops. They are made of plastic or metal. When choosing a new market, specialists recommend that you pay attention to metal models, as they better protect the oil from overheating, as well as less prone to cracks.

The cap is usually located on the steering wheel in the engine compartment, next to the heat sink. The most frequent breakdowns are due to the lack of fluid in the system or a change in the quality of the system. Therefore, it is desirable to know where the oil is located and control the amount and condition of oil periodically.

Operation of a Bacha

Usually, the instructions to the vehicle indicate which type of oil to be used for the hydro-amplifier. Pushing other liquid forms into a tank, you risk damage to the entire system. The pump may be out of order, and the steering gear (seals) will also be damaged, and it is very difficult to replace them. To check the quality of the fluid in the tank, you have to twist the cover on top of it. If the oil is visible, the whole or the liquid has changed the color or the shade-it needs to be replaced.

The level of oil should be checked with the engine shut off and the vehicle is on a level surface. The liquid shall be warm during the inspection. When replacing a liquid, it is impossible to get dirt in the tank, as it can significantly reduce the life of the entire system. It is not recommended to use craters in the oil bay. It is believed that they also make extra dirt.

Note that if the liquid has to be filled too often, the leak is likely to leak and leak. If the filters that are embedded in the butterare are blocked, the tank should be replaced. It is recommended to wash the tank without a filter before filling the new oil. The replacement shall also be made if there is a leak violation. Sometimes you can see that fluid is flowing out of the bar through the top cover. This may be caused by a failure of the bachka valve to hold the liquid or the excess air in the system.

Producers, as is often the cases, are "insured" against the consumer's potential claims and recommend that the tank be changed once a year, regardless of its condition.  After replacement, the water-amplifier system must be removed from the system which may lead to the failure of the hydraulic amplifier pump. The fact that the air is not completely removed will show a change in the level of the liquid in the car when the steering wheel is moving. Such a test shall also be carried out only when the engine is off and on a level surface.

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