Good day to all. Two years ago, I bought a diesel Nissan Expert in my city. The previous owner had driven the engine to almost paralysis, as he did not know how much the hi-tech diesel-had been put into his hands. But I didn' t know that first. He worked as a former master on the railway and used diesel fuel for diesel locomotives. The result is sad-at the time of the sale, "Check engine" was on the panel every five kilometers, and the exhaust pipe came out of the exhaust pipe. My family is a big specialist in diesel, to whom people from all over the Sverdlovsk region are moving, said the problem is solved quite easily and in several ways. The first way is for those who are not too interested in maintaining the engine, the second one is more complicated, but it guarantees a long, happy life.
First, simple path
The intake manifold and the MRI is a flap. She's got a vacuum drive off her, and the thing is jammed by the screwup. So when the control block tries to close the air, it can't do it. This will not be reflected in the acceleration of the vehicle, and the "Check engine" lamp can be removed.
Second, complex path
Replace fuel filter, air filter, clean DDP. In the future, it is only on the most expensive network stations.
I've had a mountain of information on YD22. He did not understand much, but instead he said, "Your horse, look for information yourself." The search continued, and the case reached correspondence with the dealer in Japan with the assistance of an interpreter. The dealer said that he could not travel on Russian fuel.
Of course, that answer gave me nothing. I only found out that my car has a diesel special, adapted for the fuel of rapes-oil. It's clean fuel, and the cetane number is different. The freezing point is also different from normal salax. While I wasn't working on the DMV, the engine at temperatures below -25 refused to get started, even if the starter was turning the wheel at the speed of the turbine.
And "Check engine"
How many edits have not been tried. Nothing changes: a little gas, and a "magic icon" caught fire. The washing of the DHBs only has a temporary effect. The dynamics of kerosene washing kerosene while the car is on it is excellent, but as soon as you fill in the usual fuel, the situation is repeated. Adding oil for two-stroke engines results in a coopee in the exhaust. The only positive effect-the pause of normal work between the response of the "Check engine"-increased. It is not possible to dilute kerosene with kerosene. As a result, I went down the first track and turned off the throttle.

DDP blur once a year. The fuel filter is only the original, the "native" air filter removed the box and delivered it from the Volga.