A DAA carburetor 2107 was installed at VAZ-2107 at the plant. In the people he was called the "Ozon" for improved indicators of harmful emissions.

This carburetor is licensed by the French company Weber. When the factory carburetor is out of order, many of the owners of the "Seherok" are asked which carburetor should be chosen. The simplest way to do this is to establish the same DAE, but many owners in the drive to reduce fuel consumption or improve the dynamic are installing the Selex carburettor from VAZ-21083. However, it should be remembered that installing the octal carburettor requires careful selection of carburettors and knowledge of carburettors of this type.

Also, the experience of the Soelex operation at the "classics" indicates an increase in the average fuel consumption, with the dynamics not improving.

The DAAZ-2107 carburetor is the best for the G7. Many specialists are involved in tuning and tuning. The easiest way to improve the dynamics of the "seven" with the DAR carburettor is to remove the spring at the throttle of the primary chamber. The fuel consumption will increase slightly, but the dynamics will improve significantly. It is also possible to replace the veiler with a more productive one. This will increase the fuel consumption and release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, but the acceleration dynamics will also increase. More complex interventions in carburetor design will require specialized knowledge and skills.

When buying a new carburettor DAAZ-2107, it is worth studying it for defects, as the percentage of marriage is quite high.

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