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The low ambient temperature always makes it difficult to start diesel engine. This is due to the specific features of diesel fuel whose properties change in the cold. Therefore, all diesel engines have difficulty starting in the cold, although in the most modern, there are a number of systems that allow the owner not to notice these difficulties.

However, in regions with very low winter temperatures, these systems may not be able to cope with their task if some of their components are completely or partially inoperable. In addition, there are a number of structural "weak points" in the diesel engine system, especially those exposed to frost. One of the most common problems is the use of paraffin in the fuel supply system. Paraffin is contained in any diesel fuel, but depending on its quality and the filling station's brand (or its absence), the paraffin in the diesel may be so much that tubes may be filled entirely.

Diagnosis of the Causes of Failure to Run in the Frost

These elements and weaknesses shall be tested if the diesel engine does not start at low temperatures (usually 25 or less).

  1. The filaments. There is any diesel engine's ignition system. The only function is to start the engine. One of the weakest links is a small resource. As a rule, the original candles prescribed by the manufacturer "live" longer than the rest. In this case, the engine is known when the engine starts at 2 working candles out of four, but only if all other elements are correct. Check and replace if necessary.
  2. Fuel filter. In the conditions of difficult cold start, even a slight decrease in the capacity may cause the engine to fail. Replace.
  3. Valve and discharge valves of the gas distribution system. Adjust if it is possible to adjust. If the valve is not adjusted, check the health and the degree of wear.
  4. Compresessional loops. The compression of the diesel engine is about 3 times the equivalent of the petrol engine. Check compression, in case of a serious reduction, replace the rings.
  5. The fuel does not reach the nozzles, the so-called "air intake". It is usually observed after a low fuel level trip or to the untightness of the fuel system. The system is to be pumpable (some cars have a manual pumping pump), to identify the source of the "pump" and to remove it.
  6. The fuel is not applied to the nozzle because of a failure of the electromagnetic valve which does not open for delivery. Check the health of the valve, if necessary.
  7. The nozzle is worn out or it is not well-pressed after being replaced. Check the performance of the nozzles and the leakproofness of their installation. If necessary, repair or replace.

What needs to be done to make the engine run in any cold

Some of the steps taken in advance allow for a healthy diesel engine to be fixed in any cold.

  1. Change the battery to a battery of greater capacity (from 75A, starting at 780).
  2. To have an antigel in the car from a known manufacturer. Avohing the paraffin in the fuel equipment.
  3. Install the fuel filter bander. This measure allows the engine to be started on a heated fuel. "People's" method, which replaces the heater heater in the intake manifold, hoses, connections and fuel filter. The effect is usually achieved, but the use of it on the new car is barbarism.
  4. Use the oil with the least viscosity in the winter period for use in a specific engine model.

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