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The main purpose of the gas distribution mechanism in the vehicle is to supply the engine with a fuel mixture and exhaust gas.

The gas distribution mechanism needs regular services. The replacement periods for the GRM elements are indicated in the service regulation for each specific vehicle.

Vehicles equipped with a GRM chain drive do not need to interfere with the mechanism for a long time. The chain can serve up to 200,000 kilometers. mileage. The belt will have to change more often, on average, every 50,000 to 80,000 km. In addition to the belt, it is desirable to replace all the necessary rollers and check the condition of the tenor. If the water pump is activated by the water pump, it is also better replaced, because the coupling of the pump will inevitably lead to a rupture of the GRM-belt and, in some cases, severe engine damage. Often, at the same time, the belt of hinged equipment along with the rollers is changing, as its resource is approximately equal to the GRM-belt resource.

If a distinctive metallic sound is heard in the engine, especially loud at idling speed, it may mean that the fist of the distribution shaft has been worn, too large the gaps in the valve mechanism, the valve springs or levers are worn. The pattern in the valve can be adjusted, in other situations, you need to change a wornable detail.

If a distinctive metallic sound is heard in the engine, especially loud at idling speed, it may mean that the fist of the distribution shaft has been worn, too large the gaps in the valve mechanism, the valve springs or levers are worn. The pattern in the valve can be adjusted, in other situations, you need to change a wornable detail. With excessively worn valves, the engine power is decreasing and the load on it increases. This leads to a decrease in the engine resource as a whole.

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