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The internal combustion engine shall burn a fuel mixture composed of fuel and air. In order to mix the two components in the desired proportion, the mechanical dominating device was used for mass passenger cars until the mid-1990s. History of carburettor

History of carburettor

The first cars were working on a candle-gas, and they didn' t need carburetor because the gas was in the combustion chamber under the pressure of the vacuum. The same principle was subsequently used for the generation of the first generation of gas coil. The light gas was expensive. For example, in Russia there were only two factories where it was produced.

The chauffeurs of cars of the early twentieth century opened an idolted carburettor valve. It was necessary to jump out of the vehicle immediately after the engine had been launched

As a result of these problems, in the second half of the nineteenth century, scientists were embroiders in the idea of replacing existing vehicle fuels with cheaper and cheaper ones. The best option is to use liquid fuels. However, such fuel could not ignet without air, so a device capable of mixing two of these elements was needed in some proportions. The device was invented in 1876 by an Italian named Luigi De Christ. It's got the name carburetor. His design and the principle of action were different from modern carburettors. For the formation of the fuel-air mixture, the fuel was heated and the steam was mixed with the air. Research in this area continued, and one year later, the engineers of Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach designed an internal combustion engine equipped with a spraying carburetor, which has become a modern device.

In order to increase capacity in the middle of the 20th century, the sports cars installed so many carburettors, how many cylinders were in the engine

At the end of the twentieth century, carburettors were gradually controlling electronics. Numerous electromagnetic valves which required the control device were used. For example, Nissan Sunny carburettors used at least 5 valves and controlled electronics. One step remained until the advent of the electronic injection, and the use of fuel injectors became a point of non-return. The carburetors were soon replaced by a monolacne. Its advantages over carburettors are the ability to mix fuel and air in a more precise proportion. The injection system has become an injection site.

Carburetor is one of the most universal devices. The Soviet carburettor "Solex" can be successfully installed on any foreign engine if you find or disengage the converter

In our days, the carburettor injection only applies to engines intended for special equipment. The disadvantage of electronics is that it is afraid of water, so, for example, the lucky day to be used in the marshes is correct to be equipped with a carburettor, which is a mechanical device which, in extreme cases, can be dried, even if it has been completely underwater.

Device and operating principle

The carburetor's mission is the mixing of fuel and air. In various modifications of this device, the mixing process occurs approximately one and the same principle.

The most popular type of carburetor is floating. It consists of the following elements:

Float-chamber, float, shut-off needle of float, jikler, mixing chamber, sprayer, venturi tube, throttle valve.

A tube is attached to the floating chamber which receives fuel from the tank. The quantity of fuel inside the chamber is controlled by two related components: a float and a needle. When the level of the fuel in the chamber falls, the splinter falls with the needle. In this way the needle opens access to another batch of fuel. Accordingly, when the fuel is filled with the chamber, the flame rises, and with it the needle, the access is blocked. In addition, the lower part of the chamber contains a calibrated device that dosing the liquid (in this case, the fuel). It goes into the sprayer. Thus, the action is carried out from the chamber of the floaty, into the chamber of the mixing chamber and the preparation of the combustible mixture.

Car with carburetor does not consume more fuel than cars with distributed injection, it is a myth. It's all about the performance of the kils or the noodles. They can be economical or not very much.

In the mixing chamber, there is a diffuser (constricting) that is needed to increase the speed of the air flow. The diffused air is generated by the diffused air near the sprayer. The air helps to disembark the fuel from the floating chamber and it is better to spray the fuel in the mixing chamber.

Role of the throttle in the carburettor

The quantity of the fuel mixture that enters the cylinders is the envy of the throttle position, which in turn is associated with the gas pedal.

In addition, there is a special lever in the cabin of some carbuted vehicles on the dashboard that can also be managed by a flap. It is commonly referred to as a "pump", although it is technically a "cold start". Tighing his knob, the driver covered the air-hole by limiting air access and increasing the vacuum in the carburetor's mixing chamber. As a result, the petrol from the floating chamber drags more intensively and at the lack of air prepares the engine-enriched mixture that is necessary for the cold start.

In order for the engine to be idling, the carburetor has special additional sized air-sized jikons through which a determined amount of air falls under the throttle and is mixed with the fuel, even if the foot is removed from the pedal.

Carburettor evolution process

This is the basic device of a floating carburetor. In the development process, engineers from different firms worked on automating all processes without exception, so there are many variants of carburetors implementation. One of the first, by the way, was subjected to the automation of the "hump" described above.

One of the simplest constructions is the carburettor "Solex", a former main injection device on the engines of the classic family of VAZ.

Supporters of carburettors are often motivated by their choice that "it can be fixed directly in the forest." The supporters of the injectors respond to them "and it does not break." Both rights

The Hitachi carburettor, which was put on a large number of Nissan models in the late 1980s and early 1990s, is an example of supercomplex floats of the last generation. It includes a large number of auxiliary devices that stabilizes the operation of carburetor in various situations (a sharp discharge of gas, idling in the parking mode at a traffic light in a car with ACPR, compensation of turnover during the introduction of air conditioning and so on).

An example list of devices looks like this.

1. Temperature adjustment system of the intake air.

2. Intake manifold heater.

3. Fuel supply valve.

4. The valve device.

5. Bimetallic springs of the air salons (air-opening mechanism).

6. Fast-idle system.

7. The system to maintain the constant speed of the engine and so on.

All these devices were implemented in the form of separate analog devices controlled by primitive electronics or self-regulating as a beanmetal plate. Later, when cheap microprocessors appeared, the need for these devices disappeared, since it was possible to combine their functions in one control unit, and on the carburetor (and later in the injector) to install simple executive devices.

Advantons and disadvantages of carburettor

The main advantage of carburetor is its repairability. It is possible to acquire a belt assembly that can be replaced, if necessary, even in the street. However, this dignity has long been lost in practical terms: the development of computer diagnostics has done the repair of the injector, almost equal to the simplicity of the class. You can even install the diagnostic program on the iPhone, and successfully read the errors using the converter cable.

The disadvantages of carburettor are related to being a fairly thin and complex mechanical device. It needs to be managed from time to time to be regulated, cleaned and protected from debris. In addition, it depends on weather conditions: it can freeze during the winter, it overheat the summer, and the fuel is starting to evaporate. In general, this device is morally obsolete.

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