Many car owners do not pay proper attention to the quality of fuel. "How much will it take, so much to do?"-here's the opinion of such drivers. There are also those who enter the other extreme: listen to familiar "specialists" tips, try to put more wonder-additives into the tank, which are supposed to reduce the consumption of gasoline, and the useful life of the car will be increased several times (to listen to manufacturers and sellers, without additives it is impossible to make a step). Or, let' s say, when the car broke, someone heard that it was in the "bad gasoline". This is how the autos start to add various additives to the fuel to avoid such incidents. At the same time, in order for the car "to go as new", drivers sometimes do not understand the risks to themselves and others. Do we need additional additives, actually, because they already exist in any fuel? What more do you have to do or harm? And how do you choose a really quality additive? What are the additives?
What are the additives?
The additive is a product that is added to the fuel or other substances in small quantities in order to improve their performance. The fuel additives add almost to the empty tank before the gas station. How often to use additives depends largely on the condition of the engine and its operation. Each producer should provide a detailed instruction on how to use the additives it produces.
Is there gasoline without additives?
Any fuel is a complex chemical compound and therefore has a molecular structure. Additives are distributed to and modified in the fuel molecules. As a result, the chemical properties of the fuel are changed: flammable in a certain compression, it is better at temperature and atmospheric pressure, etc.
The gasoline without additives is not sold, if it was sold in a pure form, it would lose its properties very quickly. All the additives that are added are, to varying degrees, poisonous. In the oil refineries, the required additives are added to the required proportions at once.
Therefore, if you want to plant additives in quality fuel, you can do damage instead of using the car. In fact, in increasing concentration, many useful substances can become harmful.
additive types
It is possible to allocate four groups of additives. The most common is universal cleaning (cleaning) additives. They are suitable for both carburetor and injection engines.
The second group includes additives that are differentiated for carburettors or injectors.
The third group is the purifier of the nodes: the valves or the piston-piston group.
Finally, the fourth group is the oxybiters and the stabilizers of the fuel.
The effects of additive can be concentrated, soft and directed (regulated).
In addition, there are individual additives designed specifically for diesel fuel.
Research octane number (RON)
Many motorists with seniority have advised less experienced "coworkers" to fill fuel tanks instead of 95 gasoline, because "it's the same petrol only without bad cars," and the gas station will be far cheaper. In fact, this kind of "economy" could be a lot of trouble.
After all, the octane number is an indicator of the detonation of petrol, which means that it is able to resist arbitrary ignition during compression. High detonation resistance of the petrol ensures that it is normally burned on all engine operating modes.
At present, manufacturers are making every effort to increase engine efficiency, leading to higher compression and higher engine operating temperatures. For this reason, the need for high-octane gasoline increases every year. When a modern motor vehicle is loaded with a lower octane number than prescribed by the manufacturer, there is a probability of ignition of the fuel. For this reason, the engine is overheated and is more quickly out of line.
In rare cases, if the desired fuel is not available, the octane number of the additive, 1.2 to 1.7, must be increased. Additives are the most effective additives that contain an antidetonator of a mine type and iron.
Pros and cons of various additives
To a greater or lesser extent, all additives are "dangerous". Methyl-three-butyl ether-butyl ether (ensures complete combustion, thus reducing CO2 and UN emissions, but leads to higher emissions of nitrogen oxides and accelerates the corrosion process) and monomethylaniline MMA (in low concentration reduces the detonation and is almost harmless to the motor, but it is increased to form a tan which may lead to "hang" of valves; in fact, it is very poisons).
There are also many substances which are not desirable in additives. These include: tetraethyl lead (greatest poison for humans), naphthalene (increasing the number of harmful exhaust gases), alcohol (which is corrosive to the engine gaskets), acetone (usually added to the plants, so the additional "infusion" exceeds the acceptable norms, which produces harmful substances), manganese (incapacitation of the catalyst and candles), ferrocene (the candles are formed and the engine life is reduced), benzene and tolułol (the strongest solvent, destroy all elastic engine parts and lead to active corrosion).
The presence of cleaning additives of the car "transfers" relatively "painlessly". Usually they include corrosion inhibitors, deemulsifiers (water absorber) and detergent. They "destroy" tanning and coatings, carrying the smallest particles into the cylinders where they burn.
Concentrated purifiers have a high activity in hydrocarbon deposits, which allows to clean up the entire fuel system.
Such additives can only be used for cars with low mileage and fuel systems that are used for preventive maintenance. For cars with high mileage, the use of such drugs threatens to remove all the debris accumulated on the surface of the tank, including solid deposits. As a result, all this dirt, together with fuel, will go to the fuel system, curl the filter of the filter and disable the fuel equipment. In order for the dirt not to be downloaded in large quantities, manufacturers of such cleaners recommend them to be used regularly at each filling station.
But soft purifiers shall be removed from the surface of the system with lacquer and magnetical sediments without a solid draught. Such purifiers can safely be poured into the tank with a high mileage. But with this cleaning, the result is slow. It depends to a large extent on the degree of contamination of the system and the effectiveness of each individual drug.
As a rule, the name of the drug cannot be defined, concentrated or "soft". This can be found only by reading in the instructions for its effect (which it purifies the system).
How to use additives properly
First of all, it is necessary to be guided by the manufacturer's recommendations rather than "tips from acquains". It is also desirable to calculate the proportion correctly. To do this, it is recommended to mix the petrol in the tank with a known volume (jerrican) before being taken into the tank. Bays of additives in petrol, we need to carefully partition the resulting "cocktail".
Many factors (vehicle mileage, fuel system pollution, etc.) should guide the choice of fuel additives. It is also necessary to take into account the recommendations of the engine manufacturers in order to avoid disruption of work.