Spare Parts & Accessories

Wiper type scrubber

Wiper type scrubber
The main choice of the purifier brushes is their quality, but few think that the modern car uses a few types of this simple, at first sight,

Should I make a vinyl scan?

Should I make a vinyl scan?
Vinyllography is one way of individualizing a car, a more accessible alternative to aerography. Vinogram does not imply the complete prolongation of the car in one or more colors

Methanol injection (methanol) Why the water-methanol system?

Methanol injection (methanol) Why the water-methanol system?
Methanol injection (methanol) is used to reduce the temperature of the incoming air, increase the octane number of the fuel and increase the ignition angle. All of the above is capable of excluding the detonation of the engine

viscosity oil

viscosity oil
The transversion oil has a number of properties, but viscosity is one of the main features. Because it is the viscosity performance of all the details of the transmission depends on the viscosity

Interchangeability of parts of different models and stamps

Interchangeability of parts of different models and stamps
The construction of the design from the mark to the marquis is an example of the VAZ-2101 "Kopeika", the first car built in the USSR at the end of the seventies Volga Automotive

Nitrous oxide. What is the installation of nitrous oxide (NOS)

Nitrous oxide. What is the installation of nitrous oxide (NOS)
Among the different ways of tuning the house is the installation of nitrous oxide injection system. The injection system for nitrous oxide can be seen as an exotic type of tuning, and many have seen it only in films

Replacement of conventional lights with the LED

Replacement of conventional lights with the LED
Lately, LEDs have been very popular in the home, even though they cost at least 10 times more expensive than our usual incandament. The main reason for this is their economy

Protection of the engine crankcase

Protection of the engine crankcase
The bottom of the car is the most unprotected body. However, in the front of the body, vital parts are placed directly above the road, unsecure

Wider for glass-ombinder

Wider for glass-ombinder
Quality, composition and efficiency of liquid for glass-ombinder and headlamps-the object of constant debate