Vehicle interior

How to Fight Cricket in the Salon

How to Fight Cricket in the Salon
The reasons and springs of the motorists are driving the expression: "the crices awake by the winter". They are especially characteristic of the winter period, when the plastic detours of the passenger compartment, as well as the plastic panels freeze, lose their elasticity and change in volume

How to get rid of the unpleasant odours in the car cabin

How to get rid of the unpleasant odours in the car cabin
Sooner or later, there is a stranger and a not too pleasant smell in the passenger compartment of any car. In one car is starting to smell damper, the other accumulates the smell of tobacco.

How to obtain 220 volts in a car

How to obtain 220 volts in a car
The number of electrical and electronic devices that are required daily is constantly increasing. Suffice it to recall some of the most common: a razor, a smartphone, a laptop, a camera

To obtain the unlock code and unlock the tape

To obtain the unlock code and unlock the tape
Most modern cars have this feature: if you turn off the battery and power off the on-board network at least for 10 to 15 minutes, the magnet is automatically blocked and requires special code to unlock

Removing the rear view mirror with your hands

Removing the rear view mirror with your hands
Sometimes a [ [ Rear-view mirror]] is required to perform certain manipulations in the passenger compartment of a car

Climate control

Climate control
Many drivers will agree that the management of the stove or car conditioner is quite troublical. It is necessary to constantly regulate the power of air supply and its direction

Cruise control

Cruise control
The appointment of a cruise control, like many other electronic systems in a car, the cruise control is intended to make life easier for the driver. Every motorist knows how hard it is to keep the accelerator pedal for a few hours.

Pedal pads. Self-installation of pedal pads

Pedal pads. Self-installation of pedal pads
Do not confuse the pedal-the first thing each driver needs to learn. But remember the pedal for what the answer is, that's the floor of the case. It is important to press it so that it is not possible for the foot to slip to the wrong moment.


Originally, the word "navigation" referred only to navigation and meant the art of managing the ship. Over time, there was navigation and land vehicles, including cars

Why is the air conditioner in the car not working or not blowing cold

Why is the air conditioner in the car not working or not blowing cold
The air conditioner is a useful option that makes life easier for thousands of drivers and passengers. However, the air-conditioner, like any other device, may eventually become inoperable